Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More stories? Yes please!

I have a group of friends that i sit by at lunch who are just awesome! They're so nice and super funny and all around great kids. I've had a couple of experiences with me expressing my religion there ( Post below) and i look forward to having more! It's a great place to get to know others points of view and for them to realize that some of the things they do aren't things that i do. Let's take yesterday's experience, shall we?

On Monday, in my acting class, we had to do a debate project where you pick out a topic with a partner and you have to debate your topic fro about 3 minutes. The last topic that was chosen was pre-marital sex. It got mentioned that at the lunch table and one of my really good friends, Alexis, was baffled about me being against it. I explained why i believed i was against it: It is made for a certain thing for when your ready to find your souse and start a family. Sure, it's pleasurable and what human doesn't want pleasure? But there are also consequences to every single action and this one was a drastic one if not done at the right time.

She agreed but she still thought that getting married was too "old fashioned" for her taste. I felt stuck because i could see her point of view but i knew that it just wasn't right. I felt alone. I kinda felt stupid. But then this message that i watched at standards night the Sunday before popped into my head...

Just click on it. I can't get it to work. :( 

But! back to my story, Sarah sitting next to me chimed in just in time. 
"I think it's wrong too. you should be married first."
I looked over and gave her the most thankful look i could ever give someone. Now, I'm not saying that i knew she was going to do that. But from the message from President Monson, The saying came to me.

"Dare to be a Mormon,
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm,
Dare to make it known."

I know that the holy ghost was there helping me say the things i needed to just like the time before and he help that message come back into my head. To remind me that I'm strong enough to be out here in a world that thinks my standards are crazy. That thinks it's silly that i want to keep my body covered. That i go to church even! But I'm strong enough to fight it with kindness and compassion and love towards other and that is what is straightening my testimony. 

The story continues with the girls agreeing that it's better to wait until marriage, she just didn't want to. And i was okay with that! Who am i to tell her what to do. But it still felt good to know that I'm doing what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I love you all and keep on smiling. Life is good. (: 

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